Tooth Extractions

Teeth Extraction HuntersvilleTooth extraction, or “pulling a tooth,” may be necessary to restore oral health and save the surrounding teeth and tissues. The procedure removes a severely damaged or decayed tooth from its socket.

Our dentists’ primary goal is to preserve a natural tooth, but sometimes that’s not possible with typical dental restorations, such as dental crowns. Tooth extraction is often done for severe cavities, fractured teeth, crowded teeth, severe gum disease and impacted teeth. People who experience a mouth injury in a car accident or while playing a sport may need a tooth extraction.

Dr. Tyler Wurmlinger and Dr. Ross Nash offer tooth extraction at Cosmetic Dentistry of the Carolinas. Our dentists have decades of experience and focus on restoring a healthy mouth with world-class dentistry services and innovative treatments.

How Does Tooth Extraction Work?

Dr. Wurmlinger or Dr. Nash will assess the affected tooth and surrounding tissues. They may take digital X-rays to examine the tooth root and jaw. If tooth extraction is the recommended treatment, our dentists will ask about your medical history and current medications, supplements and vitamins. They will explain the procedure and what you can expect afterward.

Sedation is often necessary during tooth extractions and other invasive procedures. We will review your options, which may include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral conscious sedation and intravenous (IV) sedation.

Tooth Extractions Huntersville Pulling a tooth starts with numbing the tissues and affected tooth. Dr. Wurmlinger or Dr. Nash will loosen the tooth in the socket and carefully remove the structure. Some incisions in the gums may be necessary to access the entire tooth if the damage or decay extends beneath the gum line. The socket is cleaned and disinfected, and stitches close the incisions for healing. A dental bone graft may be necessary during your tooth extraction to prevent bone loss in the jaw.

Our dentists place gauze on the extraction site and may tell you to close your bite for a firm, steady pressure that slows the bleeding. The goal is to form a blood clot for optimal recovery and reduce the risk of a dry socket. The surgical area may bleed lightly for the first 24 hours. Once your mouth has healed after tooth extraction, our dentists may recommend a dental implant restoration or dental bridge to fill the gap.

Benefits of Tooth Extraction

When restorative dentistry treatments can’t salvage a tooth, tooth extraction is the best way to give the rest of your mouth a chance at better oral health. Removing a severely damaged or decayed tooth reduces harmful bacteria in the mouth that can cause further damage to the teeth and gums. People with significant dental pain caused by decay or damage often experience immediate relief and improvement in dental pain once the broken or infected tooth is removed.

Schedule a Dental Exam and Consultation in Huntersville

If you struggle with tooth pain or have a severely damaged tooth, contact our dentists to discuss your options for improving your oral health and dental pain. Schedule an appointment at Cosmetic Dentistry of the Carolinas at (704) 895-7660 or request a virtual consultation online.